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Choosing the Right Utah Concealed Firearms Instructor for your Carry Permit

Discreetly carry your firearm in 37 states.

So you are wanting to get your Utah concealed carry permit so that you can legally carry your gun in 37 states and you are wondering how to find a good, competent concealed firearms instructor, what do you look for? There are good instructors and better instructors out there. You want to hire an instructor that will allow or offer (hands on instruction) to the student and will encourage and allow that student to bring their carry gun and holster to class to receive personal training on how to load/unload the gun safely, how to clear common pistol malfunctions safely, how to select a good holster and how to draw their gun safely from the holster. The instructor should also have meaningful discussion on the right ammunition for your carry gun you use for self defense. Call around before hiring a firearms instructor, if they won’t do these things for you in their classes, you are being short changed and are not receiving good instruction. If you ask anyone that has been to a Utah concealed firearms course, you will mostly likely never hear of someone receive the above training, they will commonly tell you the instructor bored them to death for 4 hours with lecturing and having them look at slides and videos, well anyone can do that on their own by watching youtube, but it’s the instructor that allows and encourages hands on training that you are looking for. Our Instructors at Concealed Carry Class Utah are proud to say we provide the above hands on training and we stand apart in the field for this reason, check out our 5 star reviews on Google.

All that is required for a person to become a Utah Concealed firearms instructor is that they first become a basic pistol instructor through a nationally recognized course, such as the NRA. After that the pistol instructor can take a 4 hour course through the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification, (BCI). That is it.

Also,  It would also be beneficial if the Instructor has a law enforcement background, or a legal background such as a criminal defense attorney or a prosecutor, that understands the laws better than most to help you understand when you can draw your firearm in self defense and what to expect in the unfortunate event you have to use deadly force. Our Instructor at Concealed Carry Class Utah is a retired Utah police officer and is currently a POST certified Utah Law Enforcement Officer with over 25 years of training and experience in the classroom to make you the most responsible and competent Utah Concealed Carry citizen. 

Stay Safe and Stay informed

Phil Snyder

Unified Police of Salt Lake (Retired)