New! Utah Concealed Carry workshops are here!

Concealed Carry Class Utah just launched a Concealed Carry Workshop! The workshop is designed for those that have already taken our Utah Concealed Carry Class and are looking for additional support and training to get them feeling more “comfortable” handling and carrying their guns for protection outside of their homes. Research shows that most people do not carry their guns outside of their home for personal protection outside of their homes! Why? because most don’t feel “comfortable” enough to carry on a regular basis. Most people desire to do so but just don’t know how to make that happen, that’s where we come in with the concealed carry workshop memberships, here is how it works!
Try the workshop for a thirty day trial membership. The trial membership costs 100.00 for the first 30 days. Your membership includes:
Two hours of training to that must be used within the thirty day membership period. It can be used all at once, or in 30 minute increments by making an appointment to meet at the classroom in Taylorsville. Anything goes in the workshop related to concealed carry. The training hours could be used for private range instruction to improve shooting, it could be phone support with technical questions, it could be to work on grip, learn how to clean your gun, try on new equipment such as holsters, doing role play and scenarios such as car jacking or home invasion scenarios, ANYTHING goes, you choose what you need help with and meet with your certified instructor that taught your Utah CFP course.
The goal is to give you a jump start to keep you moving forward with your level of comfort, eventually empowering you to carry all the time if you want! Knowledge is power!
If you like the workshop after the thirty day trial, you can upgrade to a one year membership for a limited time for only 999.00 per year! Most reputable firearms instructors will charge 100.00 per hour or more for private training and coaching. You also get social media and support for free training videos from our You tube channel and monthly Zoom meetings to chat with your fellow concealed carry peers.
Call or email us to get signed up, you won’t regret doing it, we are pretty sure we invented this new program, and are the only company in Utah offering such a service!
Concealed Carry Classes
The Utah concealed firearms instructor (Phil Snyder) draws from 26 years of training and experience as a Utah law enforcement officer in his teachings. Expect to hear “real life” experiences gained from personal experiences, including deadly force encounters as they apply to lessons on use of force being learned. We go above and beyond with mindset training, (hands on) instruction with your personal firearm. Most instructors will lecture for four hours and will not allow you to touch a gun in class!
We offer fingerprinting and permit photo services in our classes, one stop to get your Utah CFP permit. You do not need to apply for the Utah permit to take this class. Some people just want a refresher course, some just want to learn safe gun handling skills, whatever the reason we can help you out!
NRA Live Fire Courses
Phil Snyder, the Instructor is an active NRA member and is a Certified NRA Basic pistol and personal protection in the home instructor.
NRA Basic pistol course:
Learn how to safely handle your pistol and rules of gun safety to avoid incidents.
Learn how to safely load/unload and clear pistol malfunctions. Learn a good grip and a good stance. Learn how to clean and maintain you gun and much more! This class runs about 4-6 hours and after successful completion of the course, including a live fire pistol qualification you will be awarded an NRA certificate, good in most states to get a concealed carry license.
Class cost is 250.00 per person.
Home defense, personal protection in the home course.
This course is about 4-6 hours. This is an intermediate course. Taking my Utah CFP course and NRA basic pistol course are prerequisite to taking this home defense course. Some highlights of the home defense course are:
1. Creating safe rooms in the home in the event an intruder comes inside of your home. Tips to make your home more secure.
2. Speed shooting, using cover and concealment and other tactical training.
3. Discussing interactions with responding law enforcement officers in the event of a deadly force shooting incident.
4. The psychological effects and trauma you may experience during and in the aftermath of a shooting.
5. Peer support and counseling and much more.
Class fee is 250.00 per person, families and couples are encouraged to take this together to be on the same page.
Call us for an appointment for one of these courses.
Fingerprint & Photographs
Have you taken your Utah Concealed Carry course somewhere else and still need to get your required fingerprinting and or permit photo taken? You can make an ten minute appointment to get that done at our office in Taylorsville, about one mile east of BCI on 5400 South. Fingerprint taker is a POST certified Utah law enforcement officer and Utah DPS certified BCI firearms certified instructor.
We can also do fingerprinting for a job, real estate license, for a silencer background check as well
Call Phil at 385-645-3848