
Modern Building Clearing Tactics – New Training Available!

Ideally you would simply call 911 if you thought an intruder were in your home, but what if emergency circumstances existed that required you to take immediate action to enter your home when you believe there may be an intruder inside? This class is geared for any Utah CCW holder and families that may want to learn modern building clearing tactics to keep your and yours safe in an emergency in your home or business.

Students will have a classroom introduction to modern building clearing tactics and we will do practical exercises to learn safe, effective and modern building clearing tactics and skills to keep you alive and safe. We will have discussion on your legal rights to self defense in these scenarios and the best practices when interacting with law enforcement officers that will arrive on scene in these cases.

This class is about 4 hours in length.

Prerequisites for this course:

  • A valid Utah CCW permit
  • NRA Basic pistol certificate


Cost: 250.00 per person