Date and time:
Call, text or email for appointment.
Course Cost: 250.00 per person
Take this fun four hour course when you are ready to start carrying outside of the home for personal protection and already have your Utah CCW license and have taken basic pistol class from us. Learn how to draw from the holster and fire quickly, your rights to self defense and proper police etiquette when coming into contact with Utah law enforcement officers after a deadly force encounter with an imminent threat to your life.
This course will be taught by Phil Snyder, a 26 year veteran of law enforcement and Utah concealed firearms instructor.
Training topics:
- Situational awareness
- De-Escalation tactics
- Legal review Utah rights to self defense
- The aftermath of a shooting, police arriving, your rights and crime scene preservation
- Safe drawing from the holster and re-holster
- Dry-fire pistol drills with laser
- Range rule review
- Shooting qualification
- Tueller drill range practical exercise
Required Gear:
- your concealed carry holster
- a spare pistol magazine case (optional)
- your concealed carry gun
- 100 rounds of pistol ammunition
- eye and ear protection
- Basic pistol course
- Valid Utah CCW permit