
Email is best at Snyderdefense@gmail.com

Utah B.C.I. Concealed Firearms and NRA Chief Instructor Phil Snyder

Retired Salt Lake County Sheriff’s Deputy and Instructor Phil Snyder teach all of the Utah CFP and Basic NRA Pistol Courses. You will learn a wealth of knowledge from attending any of his classes from basic pistol to use of deadly force in self-defense.

NRA Basic Pistol Course (Instructor LED)

This course if for anyone at least 18 years of age, or older. Whether you are a first-time pistol owner and have never fired a gun, or you are an experienced shooter wanting to become a pistol or Utah CFP Instructor, this best first step and course for you! 

We pride ourselves in running smaller classes for better learning; usually no more than 1:4 ratio of Instructor to student ratio. We also have a competitive edge in that we offer the Utah Concealed Carry or (CFP) courses (same day as your pistol course) for both Utah resident and non-resident permits, valid in up to 37 states. We are a one stop class on the Utah Course and can do your necessary fingerprinting, BCI application photos and delivery of your packets all in one day.

Course Description: This NRA Basic pistol course runs 8-hours consisting of practical classroom and slide presentation with plenty of (hands on pistol training both in a classroom and on the range. Practical dry exercises with pistol and revolvers to include safe gun handling, dry fire and malfunction clearing techniques, cleaning and maintenance, and range safety and storage tips are among a few things you will learn bo the end of class.

Upon Successful completion of this course, including a written test and a shooting qualification test, you will receive a certificate that shows evidence of your competency with a pistol. 

Class Preparation: You will need a pistol and at least one magazine, a gun cleaning kit, 50 rounds of target ammo. Eye/ear protection is furnished. If you don’t own a pistol, rentals at the range are available for a nominal fee. Long jeans with a belt and belt loops are preferred “we may try on holsters” as part of the Utah Class if you take that one.

To register you can reach out through this website and email us your:

Name, email address and phone number at the date you would like to attend. We accept Cash, checks and money orders before start of class, or you can pay Venmo to Phil-Snyder-67. 


Utah Concealed Carry (CFP Class)


Phil Snyder


This fun Utah CFP class for anyone age 18 or older and satisfies Utah training requirements if you choose to apply with BCI for the Standard or Provisional Firearm permit. 

The Utah Provisional Concealed Firearms Permit is issued to those from age 18-20 years old and is valid in 19 States to carry. 

The Utah Standard Firearms Permit is issued for those that are 21 years old and older, valid in 37 States to carry.

We are a one stop Utah CFP class, we offer Fingerprinting and photo services in the class for an additional fee of 15.00 each service available at checkout. We will complete applications on site and have your packets READY TO GO before leaving class leaving you nothing else to do but wait for your approved permit to arrive. IF you are applying for a licensed, Utah BCI will charge you a fee of 53.25 for a resident Utah CFP license which is good for five years.  Their fee is separate from what we charge for the training class. 

Bring your government issued ID or driver license to class. IF you were born outside of the US, proof of legal residency such as a US Passport, permanent resident card will also be needed.

We recommend most people take at minimum a live fire range lesson as an OPTION available through checkout for a reasonable fee. 

Please see my letter of recommendation in photo to left from Judge Ronald Kunz, a Justice Court Judge I worked for as a Court Bailiff. 

Utah Concealed Firearms Instructor and Retired Utah law enforcement Officer

Phil Snyder

Try Before You Buy Gun Rental and Basic Pistol Class

Are you wondering what gun is right for you? Have you already purchased a gun, only to find out you are not compatible with it? Are you wanting to learn safety with a gun and how to shoot it? We rent guns and offer a pistol lesson as part of the rental class.

Date and time:
Call, text or email for appointment.
TNT shooting range 5669 S Commerce Drive
Course Cost: 200.00 per person

Come take this fun 2 hour course and receive a basic pistol lesson with the gun rentals from a qualified NRA certified instructor. Learn safe gun handling and the cardinal rules of handgun safety. We will teach you the fundamentals of good pistol shooting and will learn proper stance, grip, sight alignment and sight picture, trigger squeeze.

You will be allowed to rent the handgun of your choice and may rent up to two guns, which we have in stock and are very popular carry handguns with women and men. Your ammunition, range fee, eye and ear protection will be all supplied as part of the course.

You will need to pay through checkout and make a 2 hour range appointment with the instructor. This will be held at the TNT range in Murray.